Thursday 22 September 2011

what i did

Primary research is collecting research from somebodies personal experience.
Secondary research is when someone has done the research you find it in book or the internet
a time lapse animation works with a camera in a certain place. You have to set a timer off before every pictures.
we got into groups and tried out stop animation with a time lapse and we made a 20 second animation on the program called Istop-motion i was in a group with Ashleigh, Jack and Josh.

primary research

Primary research is where you do interviews, questionaires and focus groups. It hasn't been put down on paper yet, you have to go out and obtain the information yourself.

Thursday 15 September 2011

what is persistence of vision

Persistence of vision is when the eye tricks your mind into thinking a still image is moving when in fact it is a series of still images creating an optical illusion.

video for persistence of vision


hello my name is emily and this is a blog of my work ;)